Hi there!

After 5 days being lost from the net, thanksfully to the biggest PC crash I 
had, I be back here.
I want to inform you, that I don´t know if there was a virus at work or the 
greatest virus itself: Windows 98. The symptom was loosing all partition 
and non realistic FAT entries. By loosing partition "E" I have lost all my SAM 
stuff done on PC (sniff, all Supplement-zips too). So be careful, because I 
could recover about 66% from all.
For all who waits for mail answers from me: try to do it as fast as possible. 
This means mainly Len Bennett, Edwin Blink and Collin Piggot (shortmessage: 

For all who waits for our june papermag: it´s killed too!!! So maybe there will 
be a june/july double-issue. Sorry!

Take care
Wo from WoMo-Team

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