I said at the bottom of my mail if people think this is just stupid just
say. Some of you did, good thats why I put it.

I may be naive about the SAM at the moment as Ive had quite a few years
break but to suggest that I am totally naive generally is offensive and
the kind of pointless generalisation that one sees from 15 year old
bigots in the playground learning how to be grown up discriminators
against vast sections of humanity. Not something I expected from this
mailing list.

That aside, if you think my ideas are stupid, please say so but also say
why - I would rather read debates than condescending flame-mail.

I have seen worse on Amiga newsgroups and, frankly, they often put more
reasons in than some I have seen here.

Please list all ideas that I have that are truly naive so far so I know
what we are refferring to. Lets have a bit of a mature debate about it
rather than wasting bandwidth starting a flame war with someone some of
you clearly view as an outsider.

Its my choice to be on this mailing list, it will also be my choice to
leave. I dont want to see anyone gagged but I reserve the right to "piss
off elsewhere" if  I start feeling uncomfortable with some of the
statements made on here.

Amusingly it seems to have gone into a bit of a mini flame war about
SimCoupe which I happen to like.

I have something quite fun running on the SAM, not bad for a "naive"
outsider. Also from what I gather it puts me into a rather small
percentage of SAM users....

Maybe I should have put "rational debate welcome, all else please direct
to /tmp/ishouldreadpostsbeforeisubmitthemtomakesureidontlookstupid"

Having inflamed this nicely I suspect Im going to take a break from this
for a bit.


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