Jarek Adamski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm looking for new filesystem for MasterDOS and I found that
> Unix Z80 Implementation (UZI) should have one. So...
>  1. The partition size is limited to 32MB, what gives about 40
> SAM disks - is it good or is better to find something better?

This is likely due to 512B sectors * 65536 = 32MB. Perhaps you can
make the sector sizes configurable, eg. 2048B * 65536 = 128MB....

>  2. Having UZI partitions you can test UZI (including TCP/IP,
> etc.) and deal with this partitions (move files, optimize,
> repair, etc.) from UZI. So we have disk tools already.

Remember to make any changes to the code portable so we can 
have the posiblity to add it back into UZI in the future.

>  3. Can someone help me to get Code Works Q/C C compiler? It
> works under CP/M and generates files for M80 assembler. I need
> it to compile UZI.

Take a look at z88dk - should do what you want.


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