When I use some other screen mode than standard (i.e. with larger border or
without one), the window size is wrong, so the picture is corrupted. At
least I'm sure the window width is lower than it should be, since some
vertical lines of picture are missing. It is well visible in the opening
copyright message after Sam's reset.

Also I can't find how to read real Sam floppy diskettes directly (Win98).

I send this to Sam users so other people can add their notes too.

      Bc.Aley [eili] Keprt  -  games & multimedia programmer
 ICQ: 82357182 (evenings)  ***  phone: +420-68-5387035 (weekends)
  private e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ***  http://get.to/aley
office: Illusion Softworks, Brno, CZ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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