Have you ever seen other pages like that?
Most of them, again MOST of them have similar 24h licenses.
      Bc.Aley [eili] Keprt  -  games & multimedia programmer
 ICQ: 82357182 (evenings)  ***  phone: +420-68-5387035 (weekends)
  private e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ***  http://get.to/aley
office: Illusion Softworks, Brno, CZ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew J Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: 24. dubna 2001 11:17
Subject: RE: Help me :)

> > well, 
> > with the current crap thats been throwing around the emulation
> > community, website owners have to be showing due dilligance,
> > fair enough that in legal terms, the guys statement is probably 
> > a load of crap, but like emulator authors,
> > if they dont say dont distribute the emu with roms,
> > this is construed as saying that they condone distributing it with
> > roms!
> > so, in conclusion, its better to write something, than nothing!
> Oh certainly, I just find what the guy is writing funny. He even 
> includes 24-hour licenses!
> Obviously he has to write something. There are different degrees 
> though. If the software on a machine hasn't been sold for years and 
> neither has the machine, then no-one's going to make any money 
> from it (apart from HMV who sell emulator CDs). But offering ROMs 
> for the N64 etc. is a different matter. Nothing more than glorified 
> piracy.
> --Matt.

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