-----Original Message-----

>do you think the people who rename the dumps are telepathic,
>if you've got bloody problems
>or want to bitch about thats not what you would have called it, then EMAIL
>the address IN THE README,

Urm, I was going to.  My whole point was to see if anyone knew who to
contact without me downloading the program and looking.  I'm kind of lazy
you see, and thought it might have been one of those nice community type
things where it was someone Sam related helping out with the lists.  Plus
the only email I still have lying around that mentions a site goes to one in
Polish(?), which I failed to learn at school.

I'm perfectly capable of finding these things out the long way, I was just
trying for the short way first.

Geez.  What is it with all the people on this list who just blow up out of
all proportion at the simplest request.  If you'd even bothered to read what
I originally wrote it would have been perfectly clear that my whole purpose
was to mail the guy and see if i could get him to change it.  What the hell
is wrong with that?

Sometimes I wonder why I still bother to read the complete crap that comes
out of this list.  How do you unsubscribe again ;-)


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