On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 12:35:40 -0000 "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was apparently the Amstrad packaging - and if memory serves me right, Bob
> managed to sort some sort of deal out in regards to buying lots of Amstrad
> boxed disc versions - in return for the license of a SAM version.... and
> giving him loads of 3" disks to sell as well!

I was wondering how he did manage to pull that one off.

> The game was a rather straight forward hack of the Spectrum version - I
> recall meeting the programmer of the conversion at a NSSS - and he wasnt too
> pleased with the price Bob was charging for his work If I recall.... (and
> no, i didnt ask how much he was paid for his services!)

Incidentally, does anybody have the SAM version? Seeing that Ian
Bell has published the other versions, the SAM version can't
be that much different copyright-wise? Or does anybody object?

> > Somebody was showing me this at uni a while back, and my immediate
> > thought was "hmm, this would make a SAM port a lot easier." I would need
> > to read up on graphics before I could make a start on this though. I
> > presume that there are no legal issues to worry about?
> I think Ian is a bit paranoid about his work.... David B may be easier to
> agree - unless someone wanted to do a Bob deal with them :)

Actaully, it's the other way around (in my experience).


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