Finally installed, it works perfectly. Now you can use a keyboard on your
lap, sit back and relax while playing with a real Sam. I must say 54 pounds
is a lot of money but i now can say that it is money well spend.

To Collin Piggot, i don't have the photo's yet of the thing fitted and we
did not install exactly as you described in the manual. The nine-pens
connector has been soldered directly to the underside of the PCB instead as
described on the top, leaving room for the keyboard membrame if you still
want to use that.

The PS2-connector is still outside the Sam, but since i don't use the
seccond drive i am going to fit that on the frontside where normally drive 2
would be located.

Robert van der Veeke
Currently listening to: Haibane Renmei - OST

"Clear the area! An idiot's gonna take a chance!"
-Seiya Uribatake

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