SAM mines was cool, I remember it :) and just loaded up issue 57, and had a go with the Mouse (which I couldn`t do back then )... even better... I seem to remember you have different sized levels too...
You mention Driver programming, do you mean coding in MC, for it, as hacks, addons.. or do you mean with it`s own language, or API, scripting some?
I was told this was in the pipeline for Driver V2
Sounds like it was promising *_+ 

Andrew Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Aug 31, 2004, at 9:51 pm, Calvin Allett wrote:

> Good luck with the shows :)
> Can anybody tell me if Driver could run two programs at once, both two
> progs onscreen at once, running.. and also, with one task able to be
> not drawn but running..

You could have multiple programs resident, but only one would be able
to get access to the screen at a time. Not sure if the others got any
CPU time even - although there may have been tricks you could pull with
interrupts. But it's a long time since I did any DRiVER programming...

FWIW, SamMines (eventually on Fred 57) was in fact originally going to
be a driver application, although for various reasons I ended up making
it stand-alone (and coding half a WIMP system in the process).


--- Andrew Collier ----
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