On Nov 24, 2004, at 9:30 am, Gavin Smith wrote:

Use gzip rather than zip, then SimCoupe can load them directly.

What does anyone else think about this?

I would say dsk.gz is never less convenient that dsk.zip, and in may situations is completely transparent.

Well, SimCoupe's already got one format (sdf), but if you have plans to prefer different, more standardised one I think the archive needs to be
using the latest format.

This is something I need some input on because I've used a real SAM much more than an emulator so am only really familiar with .dsks - I don't think I've ever used anything else! I'd like it to be as easy as possible to transfer any
images to an actual SAM disk though.

Well obviously dsk is fine for anything which will go onto a standard floppy with no weird formatting, but that's probably a minority of commercial Sam software. Everything else will need a less convenient format, the situation as I understand it (please somebody correct if I'm wrong) is that:

- .dsk is a very simple format, it will describe only unprotected disks but is well understood and there are many programs which can read/save into this format.

- .dsk can be compressed as dsk.gz, which then can be used in almost as many programs as the raw .dsk image.

- there is a format called .sad which can describe more formats that .dsk, but doesn't cover all the bases.

- current versions of SimCoupe are able to read a format .sdf, this was designed by Simon Owen for use in SimCoupe and can describe all Sam disks. However there is no support for it outside of SimCoupe

- there are also various other standard floppy image formats which can describe protected disks. There are standard utilities for transferring them to and from real floppies, but SimCoupe doesn't offer direct support for them yet (excpet .td0).

I would use dsk.gz wherever possible, but protected disks will need something more complex. It then becomes a question of what is most likely to last (.td0 is a closed format and the transfer utility only works under DOS, so it probably isn't the way forward).


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