> My current favourite to replace SDF is the Russian FDI format, as used by
> some Spectrum emulators.  Like SDF it's relatively high-level, and covers
> all the usual custom formatting tricks that are required for protected SAM
> titles.  Details can be found here:

> http://www.worldofspectrum.org/faq/reference/formats.htm#FDI

Interesting Format. But when going through all the trouble of changing to a
new disk image format (converting to FDI) its still pretty limited. I think
diskimages should only contain a relevant data for minimum requirements and
everything else optional (how many (zipped) dsks are around that contains
junk filled 'empty' sectors, it should only be included optionally) . I
don't know about gunzip but some compression algorithm that allowes sam to
decompress on the fly and has some sort of crc to detect bad images are
highly recommended.

> works in my existing MakeSDF utility (as seen by only a couple of you):


Maybe something to add for my B-Link Project the extra disk/sector info
could be used to easely
detect bad sectors in images.

> > a. I don't have an IDE interface so I don't know exactly what
> > the SAM will be able to read. Is there software to make it
> > understand an ISO filesystem?

Martijn added ISO CD-ROM support to B-DOS (most recent is version 1.7n right
Martijn ?)


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