
> I've been looking at the Coupe Technical Manual and noticed that
> the Sound chip ports are write only. So how did the demos show
> the sound volumes?

Yes, the SAA1099 is write only.

To get fancy volume bars and frequency bars etc in demos, you just keep a
note of the values that you OUT in your music routines to the soundchip's
volume and frequency registers.

I'm not sure if the compiled e-tracker player stores the values for you to
check later (I have a vague recollection it does, but I may well be wrong!),
or if you have to modify the player to store the values yourself. It's not
something i've had to do.

> Comet problem...

Not a problem I've seen before...

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the Sam Coupe
1995-2007 - Celebrating 12 Years of developing for the Sam Coupe
Website: http://www.samcoupe.com/

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