Ian wrote:
Not heard anything on the group for quite a while so just thought I would
send a 'test' to check it's not me that's got a problem and say hi to
I know you've all taken your Sam's to the beach and so no activity on the
I've been a bit quiet, but still been getting on with a few things.
First up is an update for B-DOS 1.5t for the Trinity Ethernet Interface
which I've put in a few extra additions into the code for utilising the
microcontroller on the interface more to give a 15% speedup in loading. I've
also finished an Autoboot ROM for the Trinity so B-DOS can be loaded from
the Trinity's EEPROM on startup, or really it loads a 1K bootblock from the
EEPROM so you can really have it do whatever you want it to do on startup,
but loading B-DOS seems the most obvious choice! (Video on YouTube -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGoXsY4PBck )
I've set up twitter so I'm now getting into the swing of just popping up
short updates as and when I'm working on things -
SAM Revival 23 will be out this month (about time! Ed), a bit late, but time
hasn't been on my side recently. Also I'm moving to a different DTP
package - getting away from a very (very!) early version of Quarkxpress that
I've been using for donkies years! On the coverdisk will be Simon's VIC-20
emulator, the latest 3D Demo from Thomas Harte to go with his article in the
magazine and a game or two depending on what space is left. Articles wise, a
fair few bits of news, tech stuff and source for the Trinity Autoboot, the
B-DOS loading bootblock and the short changes to the B-DOS source code to
give the 15% speed up.
Going back to the earlier thread of SAM's birthday, I think it's fairly safe
to say now with the work going on behind the scenes that the idea I had of a
special glossy A4 sized edition will be going ahead thanks to the printing
costs Adrian was able to get (Thanks Adrian!). It'll all be new material,
with quite a few articles and some exclusives already underway in the
drafting stages and I'll no doubt be in touch with a lot of people in the
coming months to get some bits of info and their memories of their time with
the SAM. I'll be aiming for it to go to print for release in December.
Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupe
1995-2009 - Celebrating 15 Years of developing for the SAM Coupe
Website: http://www.samcoupe.com/