I guess when the clocks go back in October SAM users will hibernate over the
winter until next August!
From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On
Behalf Of Ian Spencer
Sent: 04 August 2009 08:04
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: Re: Hi - just checking
Wow, I just sent the checking mail to see whether something was wrong with
my subscription to the group and it seems it was like poking a stick into a
hornets nest (in a positive sort of way) - over 40 mails in the last few
days on the group. It's just great to see everyone is alive and kicking out
----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Spencer <mailto:ian.spen...@freenet.de>
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 4:10 PM
Subject: Hi - just checking
Not heard anything on the group for quite a while so just thought I would
send a 'test' to check it's not me that's got a problem and say hi to
I know you've all taken your Sam's to the beach and so no activity on the