you havent managed to squeez a three player verison out of the sams
screen have you
the blocks are only attribute squares after all
pity no one put letters on teh blocks so that as a line or more is
wiped off you get a kind of scabble letter game to play for a bonus -
and a bit of a wrest from joystick wrangling
im amazed no one used the 32k sam rom and some algorithms to see just
how many english words could be seeded from the rom source they fitted
700,000 on a sam disc for a spell checker for outwrite and secretary
but no plurals pity it hasnt been moded for the atom lite bought towo
from edwin and a comms interface get back to uk and find my keyboards
have packed up!

was hoping to develop pop and lemmings but need to sit down with the
pic controller board first unless you could explain how to disassemble
128k spectrum software?

2009/8/3 the_wub ! <>:
> Hi all,
> I'm a new member to the mailing list and since there's been some
> activity over the last
> few days I thought now was a good time to stop lurking and say, "hey!"
> to everyone.
> My name is Rob, I'm 32 and live in the south of England.  I'm
> currently working as a
> panel wirer/wire man for a sub-contracting electrical firm.
> I was a speccy user back in the day and desperately wanted the Sam
> when it came out.
> Long story short, it was too expensive and I ended up with a second
> hand Sega Master
> system instead.  I still have a Sam scrapbook I put together from
> magazine cuttings in the loft
> somewhere, and I could (but won't) tell you about a highly
> embarrassing letter I wrote
> to Bruce Gorden when I was twelve that, to this day, I still cringe
> thinking about :)
> Last year I won a nice boxed Sam Coupe on ebay with one floppy drive
> and a pile of
> disks and I can honestly say that life's much better now.  I have lots
> to say about
> what I missed out on by not having the Sam in '89-'90 but I'll save
> all that.  The
> important thing is that I've been learning to program z80 since it
> arrived and am just
> finishing my first, actually playable, game!  I'm sorry that it's
> tetris but as a
> consolation prize it's a two player tetris on one Sam, loosely based
> on the vs mode
> from the old Gameboy tetris.
> I hope that's enough for an introduction.  I feel a bit like I'm
> turning up to a party
> 20 years late with only a bottle of Blue Nun to show for myself, but
> I'm looking
> forward to finally getting involved in the community and catching up on all
> those lost years!

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