that last email seems to have disapeeared it had a lot of links on it but
the threads in gmail are so baffling

2009/8/6 Roger Jowett <>

> velesoft reckon they have a spectrum edge connector adapter but ive been to
> prague twice and they sure as hell aint very friendly - pity the dma and
> accelerator with 128 kompatiblity might have been useful if they worked -
> joystick port on a mouse interface - mind you ps2 rollerball mouse support
> 2009/8/5 Wayne Weedon <>
>  Chris Pile wrote:
>>> Yep - seems like it was early if it was around December time...  Memory
>>> isn't too good these days!  ;-))
>>> I have a couple of projects I started 10+ years ago, but never finished.
>>>  It would be nice to complete
>>> one of these in time for the SAM's birthday.
>>> I've just been made redundant - so I've probably got the time.  Now I
>>> just need to get the enthusiasm
>>> to actually make a start...  Oh, and to try and remember how to write Z80
>>> too!!!  It's been a while!  ;-))
>> Chris
>> Sorry to hear that!   Times are indeed tough for many (inc me) at the
>> moment.   I've bitten the bullet and been ebaying my past away!  You'll know
>> first hand  what a terrible hoarder I am, so it's going to take a while to
>> get rid of it all!
>> Might actually retain the Sam though.  Suppose it still works.  It's
>> actually stilled packed in it's original box somewhere in the attic.
>> A lot of my prototype interfaces were dumped though and the QL ones too,
>> just didn't see the point in keeping them and probably worthless objects
>> with no remaining documentation.  Only one I think I still have is the
>> VTX5000>Sam i/f which you altered a version of the Sam Terminal s/w for.
>>  Still brings back a few memories!
>> Wayne....

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