Actually, 3 or 4 for the cube, now I think about it. But you get the
point. Always nicer when you realise that what you're doing exactly
fits an extremely well-documented and well-known data structure and

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Thomas Harte <> wrote:
> I had one further thought on this overnight: if you expand the planes
> bounding a convex object out to infinity then you get a series of
> convex cells surrounding the object. Which cell you're in exactly
> determines which faces you can see and the natural way to figure out
> which convex cell a player is in is a BSP tree. So you could reduce
> the face visibility check from its current linear time to logarithmic
> time - 5 or 6 checks for the Cobra Mk 3 (the most complicated model
> I've tried) rather than 30 odd and always 3 rather than 6 for the cube
> (the simplest).
> It definitely helps to talk about this stuff...
> On Thursday, May 27, 2010, Thomas Harte <> wrote:
>> My own routine. It's in the drawline.z80s file, and it should be safe
>> to swap it out for any other function as long as it accepts the same
>> input and leaves the same registers intact (I think just IX and IY,
>> but go with whatever the comment in that file says rather than what
>> I'm saying now).
>> My understanding was that the way that they've generalised the pixel
>> plotting step to support different drawing modes and to do viewport
>> testing within the line routine means that the ROM routines would be
>> slower than my RAM routines. My routines benefit from only ever doing
>> one of two things:
>> - drawing a solid, single pixel wide line that is definitely entirely
>> on the screen (ie, no need to test per pixel)
>> - erase an old line, being allowed also to blank out any other pixels
>> the routine feels like (which in practice means that it calculates the
>> correct (x, y) for each pixel then just zeroes that byte in video
>> memory, actually blanking two pixels)
>> The latter could probably be faster if you halved the notional x
>> resolution in which you're drawing and blanked out four pixels rather
>> than two (to deal with occasions when the rounded version pixels the
>> byte one to the side of the one that the non-rounded routine would
>> have picked). I haven't experimented there.
>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Roger Jowett <> wrote:
>>> how are lines drawn using rom routine or your own?
>>> On 27 May 2010 15:14, Thomas Harte <> wrote:
>>>> Removing hidden line removal would save the time calculating face
>>>> visibility but then add to transformation and drawing costs.
>>>> The code at present always does a calculation for every defined face,
>>>> always considers a calculation for every defined line and performs
>>>> calculations for vertices only if they are used as part of the model
>>>> as it is visible for that draw operation. Vertices that are connected
>>>> only to lines that aren't visible aren't transformed.
>>>> If I were to rewrite it, I would adjust that so that, as a first
>>>> measure, a calculation is performed for every defined face but lines
>>>> that aren't connected to visible faces are never even considered.
>>>> That's not a massive win in performance terms because all it does for
>>>> lines at the minute is run through reading a couple of flags and
>>>> proceeding or discarding based on the combination of those. However,
>>>> if I were then able to add a broad phase to the face stuff* then it'd
>>>> really start to pay off down the hierarchy.
>>>> * as in, a prepatory step that interrogates some sort of hierarchical
>>>> structure and hence discards large swathes of faces without doing a
>>>> calculation for each. Usually it saves time even if it is able to
>>>> reject, say, only 90% of invisible faces and then you have to do the
>>>> face-by-face tests on each of the remaining potentially visible set.
>>>> I've never been 100% on the best, or even a necessarily suitable
>>>> hierarchical form.
>>>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Roger Jowett <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> so no hidden line removal speeds things up a bit...
>>>>> theres a screen shot only the roads were solid line the objects seemed
>>>>> to be dots and not hidden line either
>>>>> think in th erooms things were all solid
>>>>> can be seen better in this screen shot
>>>>> thought battle carrier command were pretty solid/shaded 3dnot vecotrs?
>>>>> On 27 May 2010 12:08, Thomas Harte <> wrote:
>>>>>> Without being able to answer on the Timex or the extent to which the
>>>>>> RAM upgrade would benefit 128k emulation, was Mercenary the one where
>>>>>> they appeared to be drawing on only every other scanline? It's
>>>>>> possible I've merged it with Battle Command (filled polys, draws only
>>>>>> every other line) in my memory.
>>>>>> I'm not completely sure on the external RAM modules, but my
>>>>>> understanding is that they're not contended at all, which would be a
>>>>>> substantial speed improvement for the 3d calculation parts of this
>>>>>> sort of code and some improvement to the pixel throwing.
>>>>>> Technically my code can do display without hidden line removal, it's
>>>>>> just a consequence of the algorithm rather than a deliberately
>>>>>> designed feature. It's the Elite method, each line is considered a
>>>>>> potential edge and connected to two faces. If either face is visible
>>>>>> then the line is drawn. The links are pointers, so you'd set both
>>>>>> pointers to a face that isn't connected as part of the model (so the
>>>>>> code won't recalculate whether it is visible when you draw) and has
>>>>>> the visibility flag set.
>>>>>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Roger Jowett <

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