Thanks for the offer, David!! I'll have to take you up on that some time soon! ;-) I'm working in GamesMaster still, so I doubt I'll have in-game music, due to the speed issues, but I'll be after something for a main title, and perhaps an intro and finale, and a couple of short things for 'game over' moments, and such.

I'm also looking at having a number of cut-scenes, so might be after stuff for those too. :-) I'm hoping to get my first level or two semi-complete in the next couple of weeks, so if you want, I can send you something to check out.

I'm keeping the game generally under wraps for the moment, just for the fun 'anticipation' factor lol! And so that it can be mentioned/revealed first in SAM Revival (It'll be issue 25, as I know that despite the delays, Colin has a lot of 24 pretty much wrapped up, I think). Even put up a teaser image a while back.

I think we should all try and keep in touch here fairly regularly, with the progress on our games and such. Just to keep the momentum going, and get them finished. There's too many 'almost' great games out there for the SAM, that never quite got finished. Let's make sure we do! :-D

Quoting David Sanders <>:

I think I may be the only regular E-Tracker user left on the planet,
so I'd be happy to help. Colin usually nicks all the new stuff I



On 10 March 2011 11:50,  <> wrote:
I think Colin's probably been bogged down with that dreaded virus many of us
suffer with... WORK!! lol! ;-) I'm sure we'll see it soon enough. He's also
got a few other things up his sleeve by the sounds of it, so we'll probably
go from zero to ninety with cool SAM stuff once things get moving again. :-)

I'm trying to get back into my own new SAM game project at the moment...
It's always a pain trying to work the time out, between what you HAVE to do,
and what you really WANT to do. ;-)

Which reminds me... it's a while off before anything would need doing, but
does anyone still dabble in writing SAM music? I've done something for my
own games in the past, but obviously not as polished/skilled as others. So
it'd be great if somewhere down the line, anyone was willing to work on a
new game project? Full prominent credit, and all that, of course! :-)

Quoting Geoff Winkless <>:

On 9 March 2011 13:43, Wayne Weedon <> wrote:

On 09/03/2011 00:21, Steve wrote:

Any news on SAM Revival 24.

.. out soon... 7th October 2010 ?

Gawd there is some life in the mailing list still!  I was about to delete
because it was so dead.

It does feel a little like the Black Knight.

Come back here, you yellow ******! I'll... bite yer legs off!

It's just a flesh wound!


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