Ha! That's a relief! Note to self - next game is going to be easier to get into. You don't get this kind of UX failure with Nyan Cat


On 29/04/2012 21:08, Tommo H wrote:
Oh! And all I had to do was let the title screen sit there for a bit and it would have told me for itself! I must be a very infuriating user. I'll cough to having made the Wikipedia changes if it'll go any way to paying you back.

On 29 Apr 2012, at 10:05, Balor Price <toberm...@cookingcircle.co.uk <mailto:toberm...@cookingcircle.co.uk>> wrote:

Thanks Rob! And thanks to whoever updated the Wikipedia pages to mention my little conversion.

Well, the UK2 DDOS seems to have been sorted now, so I've put the URL back to www.cookingcircle.co.uk now.

The graphics were first copied pixel for pixel from the speccy version and then souped up a little, but it was just Flash I used. Both fonts are variable width to the pixel (not byte), which is nice to look at but not very impressive when you see I just saved the fonts twice, one version scrolled one px to the right! :D

You're right, the map algorithm mirrors the speccy one - ie if you haven't collected any pieces of map, you just get a blank screen when you try to view it. *Thomas, *Cursor Up should toggle the map/play view. It works on Sim Coupé bnut I haven't got access to a real SAM to check it on.

Thanks for the feedback Thomas - I think I'll revisit the front end to make it clearer. Originally there was even less help than I put, but times change.


*On 29/04/2012 17:02, the wub wrote:
Seems to work fine for me, not come across any bugs yet...  The map
screen only has something to see if you've collected map pieces
otherwise it's just a blank screen, maybe this was the problem?

It's still as frustratingly brain twisting as ever and the
presentation is way better than the speccy version!  I'd be interested
to know if that's all your own work or have you based this on a 16-bit

All in all, this is definitely going to be booted up every time the
Sam comes out to play!

Thanks again!


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