Thanks for the feedback guys, sorry I haven't replied sooner but I
don't have the internet at home at the moment!

This is a fail to me because I had to keep scaling back my plans!
Initially I was going for a remake of the Atari ST game, "Better dead
than alien" but it just needed way too many sprites!  Then I thought
I'd be able to get away with 12 bad guys, 18 enemy bullets and the
player sprite with 4 bullets but even this was too much at 50fps!  If
I dropped the frame rate to 25fps then I could probably get a bit
closer to this...

 The code is mostly unrolled and I prepare all my sprite data so each
sprite is a contiguous chunk with it's mask interlaced.  I'd be happy
to show the blitting code if anyone is interested, it was a gift from
Chris and is surely as quick as it gets!
I save time with the collision by not checking every row and I use the
stack pointer for drawing wherever possible.
I'm not sure what bobbing is, but you are right it is not a real
scroll.  I pre-draw 8 screens to make a full screen animation and then
use the 8kb at the end of each screen to hold the mask data.

As for the difficulty, the trick is to learn the first few waves so
you can power up to double shot power as quickly as possible, then it
gets a bit too easy...

Thanks again!


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