Ahem... yes - just before reading this I opened the hh.cpm image as disk 1 in SimCoupe by accident and it worked... Cheers.
-----Original Message----- From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On Behalf Of Chris Pile Sent: donderdag 29 mei 2014 14:26 To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no Subject: Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released Hi Stefan, > On 28/05/2014 23:37, Stefan Drissen wrote: > Cool! Not that Ive ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and > it worked instantly Cool! > However after skimming through the manual how do I read from a .cpm image (using simcoupe)? > I opened the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy .cpm as floppy 2. > > A0>B: > > B0>DIR > > 256 entries of ?????.??? files are shown That's because drive B: is actually the left floppy - or "floppy 1" in SimCoupé! So you're trying to DIR a standard SAM format disk - in fact probably the Pro-DOS boot disk. The 256 ????????.??? DIR entries is standard response to an "unknown" format - as far as CP/M goes. > B0>A: > > A0>fatread b: > > That disk doesnt appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted. Because it's not! It's most likely a SAM format disk! ;-) The drive layout on a SAM with two floppy drives as seen by a freshly booted Pro-DOS v2.0 is: Drive A - Internal RAM drive Drive B - Left-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 1 in SimCoupé) Drive C - Right-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 2 in SimCoupé) So to run HHGTTG if you loaded the .CPM image to "floppy 2" in SimCoupé means you should have moved to drive C: and not drive B: Of course you could also use the SWAP command to switch the drives around if you so wish. So Drive C: could be Drive A: or any other drive on your system. Note to everyone reading this: The manual tells you all of this... So it's well worth reading at least once! ;-) > On another note - how does it play with z88dk which has a CPM > target? (which Ive also never really used since I dont do C, but it fascinates me and I had some fun getting it to build). I'm not a 'C' programmer either, so have never heard of or played with z88dk. However, if its target builds are generic CP/M 2.2 then I see no reason why the builds wouldn't work. I might have a look later and see. I think I could just about manage a "Hello World" program in 'C'! Cheers, Chris.