The huge car bomb in Najaf today that killed Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir
al-Hakim, a key member of the Iraqi Governing Council, is being attributed
to Saddam loyalists by both the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution of
Iraq, which al-Hakim headed, and the INC.

Associated Press
Car Bomb Kills 75 at Mosque in Iraq
By D'ARCY DORAN, Associated Press Writer

NAJAF, Iraq - A massive car bomb exploded at the Imam Ali mosque during
Friday prayers in this holy city, killing 75 people, including one of Iraq's
most important Shiite clerics, a hospital official said.

A survey of Najaf's medical facilities showed 75 dead and 140 wounded, many
seriously, said Dr. Safaa al-Ameedi, chief doctor at the central hospital in
the city, 110 miles southwest of Baghdad

Medical facilities were jammed with people looking for relatives who may
have been hurt in the bombing, which occurred as thousands were pouring out
of the mosque, he said.

The blast dug a crater about 3 1/2 feet wide in the street in front of the
mosque and destroyed nearby shops. People screamed in grief and anger as
they searched the rubble for victims. Nearby cars were torn into twisted
hunks of metal by the explosion.

Among the dead was Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, 64, who had just
delivered a sermon calling for Iraqi unity at the shrine, the nation's

Shiites in Iraq are embroiled in a generational power struggle, but there
was no evidence the bombing was the work of the younger Shiite faction,
which has its strongest support in Baghdad's Sadr City slum.

Even so, both the al-Hakim supporters and a prominent figure in the
U.S.-backed government blamed Saddam Hussein  loyalists.

Also on Friday, attackers fired rocket-propelled grenades at two U.S.
convoys in separate ambushes, killing one American soldier and wounding six,
the U.S. military said.

Murthada Saeed al-Hakim, al-Hakim's nephew who spoke to the family in Najaf,
told The Associated Press the cleric had been killed.

"I saw al-Hakim walk out of the shrine after his sermon and moments later,
there was a massive explosion. There were many dead bodies," said Abdul Amir
Jassem, a 40-year-old merchant who was in the mosque and said the cleric had
prayed for Iraqi unity.

The mosque itself appeared to have suffered only minor damage, with some
mosaic tiles blown off.

Ayatollah al-Hakim was the spiritual leader of the Supreme Council for
Islamic Revolution in Iraq and had divided his time since the end of the war
between Tehran and Najaf, the holiest Shiite Muslim city in Iraq.

Mohsen Hakim, another of the cleric's nephews and a spokesman for the
Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq, said in Tehran that
Saddam loyalists were the prime suspects behind the killing, and he called
on U.S. occupation forces to identify the murderers.

Ahmad Chalabi, the head of the Iraqi National Congress and a Governing
Council member, blamed Saddam, his remnants and his allies from across the

"We know they are active in trying to undermine the Governing Council and
allies of the U.S.," he said in a telephone interview.

Chalabi denied an earlier report on Al-Jazeera alleging he had said U.S.
forces were to blame for the bombing because they had failed in their
responsibility to keep the area secure.

No coalition troops were in the area of the mosque out of respect for the
holy site, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jim Cassella said in Washington.

The top U.S. civilian official in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer, denounced the
bombing, saying it demonstrated that "the enemies of the new Iraq will stop
at nothing."

"Again, they have killed innocent Iraqis. Again, they have violated one of
Islam's most sacred places. Again, by their heinous action, they have shown
the evil face of terrorism," Bremer said in a statement.

There has been considerable unrest among the religious factions in Najaf.

The al-Hakims are one of the most influential families in Iraq's Shiite
community. The ayatollah's brother, Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, is a member of the
Governing Council and was leader of the armed wing of the Supreme Council
for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, headquartered in Iran before the war.

Younger Shiites have been fighting for power with the more traditional
Shiite Muslims in the city and region, trying to grab control from the
al-Hakim family.

Sheik Muqtada al-Sadr, who is not yet 30, and his young followers have
sought to replace more traditional factions as the voice of Iraq's Shiite
majority, portraying themselves as the ones doing the most to redress
decades of suppression by Sunni Muslims under the Saddam's rule.

"The killing appears to have sought to deny Shiite Muslims an effective role
in Iraq's future at a time when Iraq is gradually preparing for elections,"
said Iranian political analyst Morad Veisi in Tehran.

He said the killers sought to sow discord between Shiite and Sunni Muslims
and showed the United States is "incapable of providing adequate security in

The blast occurred a week after a bombing at the house of another of Iraqi's
most important Shiite clerics, killing three guards and injuring 10 others,
including family members. The gas cylinder was placed along the outside wall
of the home of Mohammed Saeed al-Hakim in Najaf. It exploded just after noon
prayers Aug. 24. Mohammed Saeed al-Hakim is related to the ayatollah who was
killed Friday.

A day after Saddam's ouster, a mob in Najaf hacked to death a Shiite cleric
who had returned from exile. Abdul Majid al-Khoei was killed at the Imam Ali
mosque when a meeting called to reconcile rival Shiite groups erupted into a

Shiites make up some 60 percent of Iraq's 24 million people.

In Friday's attack on the U.S. troops, insurgents fired three
rocket-propelled grenades at a supply convoy on a main road northeast of
Baqouba, 40 miles northeast of Baghdad, said Capt. Jay Miller from the 67th
Armor Regiment's 3rd Battalion.

The soldiers were also hit by small arms fire. One of the wounded soldiers
would lose his leg, said Capt. David Nelson from the 4th Infantry Division's
2nd Brigade.

The death raised the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq to 282. Of
those, 67 have died in combat since May 1, when President Bush declared an
end to major combat operations in Iraq.

Another U.S. Army convoy was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade near a mosque
in Fallujah, 30 miles west of Baghdad, said Spc. Margo Doers, a spokeswoman
at coalition command in Baghdad. She said two were wounded in the attack,
according to early reports.

At the United Nations, key Security Council members said U.S. talk of
relinquishing some military authority in Iraq was a first step in trying to
deal with the postwar turmoil. But they said a real solution will require
more power for Iraqis and the United Nations.

The Bush administration is sounding out nations on a possible U.N.
resolution that would transform the U.S.-led force in Iraq into a
multinational force authorized by the United Nations with an American

The United States is trying to assess whether the proposal - which was
floated last week by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan  - would prompt more
countries to send peacekeeping troops to Iraq to relieve some of the 138,000
U.S. troops.

Troops carried out three raids across north central Iraq in a 24-hour period
and detained 25 people, two of whom were targeted as Saddam loyalists
suspected of planning attacks, said Lt. Col. William MacDonald, spokesman
for the 4th Infantry Division.

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