Thanks for the response.  It helps focus my search.

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Ignacio Coupeau wrote:

> Don Hayward wrote:
> > I don't know whether this is a samba problem, but that's my current
> > best guess.
> >
> > I'm using Debian woody with the upgrades mentioned below. I got the
> > samba-2.2.7 source and did the build with debain/rules with the
> > addition of the ldapsam flag.  I've upgraded my ldap, nss, and pam,
> > etc. libraries to 'testing' to use the tls enabled libldap.  I'm using
> > gcc 3.0.4.
> >
> I tested the same scenario but with RH 7.2 and gcc 2.96-81 and can't
> reproduce the error.
> I added a ws account, joined to the domain, logon, etc. But can't
> reproduce the error. The rid is stored and fetched well in/from the ldap.
> Ignacio
> --
> ____________________________________________________
> Ignacio Coupeau, Ph.D.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> CTI, Director              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> University of Navarra      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Pamplona, SPAIN  

Don Hayward                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mote Marine Laboratory          Office: 941.388.4441  Cell: 941.302.4982
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