On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 10:06:39AM -0600, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 09:30:18AM -0500, Alex @ Avantel wrote:
> > No need to - been there, done that, it works.  The limitation is still the 
> > same - IF there is only one samba server on a subnet, THEN there can only
> > be one workgroup on the subnet or browsing will break accross the WAN.


No, you can have multiple workgroups on the subnet.  The LMBs on the
subnet should exchange browse lists for their workgroups.  That's how the
browse lists get merged.  The LMBs then upload the combined lists to their
respective DMBs.

I would believe that there *could* be bugs in the browse list merger, but
I would need to see packet traces to believe it is real--and then I'd
still need to study those traces to find out whose bug it really is.  I
have seen odd behavior from Windows (eg. some versions of Windows get the
announcement period wrong in the HostAnnounce messages...things like

The point is, though, that to have multiple workgroups you need to have 
multiple LMBs.

> > If you 
> > use a MS server, that's not the case.  Or am I wrong on that too?
> I think this is wishful thinking on your part.  I've never seen any signs
> that MS servers get this right.

I'd have to agree with Steve on that.

The thing is, you say 'a MS server'... singular.  I'd need to know more 
about the configuration.  A singular server can't be the LMB for multiple 
workgroups on a single LAN.

I would test this myself, if I had a lab big enough to do it, but I

If you can show me multiple MS LMBs on a single subnet properly exchanging 
browse lists, and a Samba server on the same subnet *not* participating 
properly, then I'll have something to go on.  I have not seen such a 
situation but, again, I have not got the lab to test it in.

I have seen one situation in which a W2K LMB had trouble syncing with a 
Samba DMB...or perhaps it was the other way 'round.  I'd love to track 
that one down again, but I need the resources...

Chris -)-----

Samba Team -- http://www.samba.org/     -)-----   Christopher R. Hertel
jCIFS Team -- http://jcifs.samba.org/   -)-----   ubiqx development, uninq.
ubiqx Team -- http://www.ubiqx.org/     -)-----   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OnLineBook -- http://ubiqx.org/cifs/    -)-----   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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