> Hello,
> I've been trying for a couple of weeks now to get Samba to authenticate via Winbind 
>to an NT domain.  I've scoured Google and the mailing lists to no avail.  I've tried 
>various configurations that I've found during my searches, but none of them have 
>worked for me.
> I need to be able to authenticate users, that do not have an account on the Linux 
>box, against the NT domain, and automatically create a home directory for them.  This 
>is the purpose of Winbind (except the home directory part, which pam_mkhomedir is 
>supposed to do), as I understand it.  Something between winbind and pam is failing 
>since the connecting user gets authenticated as guest rather than an actual user.
> My current configuration is RedHat 7.3 and Samba 2.2.5.  My most current samba 
>installation is an RPM generated via the makerpms.sh script in the packaging/RedHat 
>folder of the 2.2.5 samba distribution.
> I've added the following compilation flags in the samba2.spec file:  This is my 
>latest attempt, since nothing else seemed to work.
> --with-ssl \
> --with-sslinc=/usr/include/openssl \
> --with-ssllib=/usr/lib/ssl \

SSL support is being removed in Samba 3.0, and is unsupported in 2.2.  
While this is probably unrelated to your problem, don't make you life
more difficult than it needs to be.  No Microsoft client supports SMB
over SSL.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org     http://build.samba.org     http://hawkerc.net
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