Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> I think he's referring to the phenomenon that I've seen on way too
> many technical mailing lists: be a complete asshole and you'll get
> the complete and undivided attention of multiple developers and power
> users, all of of whom assert, while helping, that that's not a good
> way to get help. :-)
> Best way to do it is to impugn the quality of the product, and
> threaten to switch to another.
> (By the way, the OP's subject line was a work of art along these
> lines. The 'us', rather than 'me', raising the prospect of a huge
> group of people disappointed in Samba, was particularly nice. I take
> my hat off.)
> I'm pretty sure a lot of posters have noticed this and use it to
> their advantage. You do have to be kind of unprincipled first...
> :-)
Ack! I didn't mean to imply as much as it looks like I did about the OP
and his motives. I was more focused on a social phenomenon that I'd noticed. The subject line *was* a work of art, but that's not quite saying the poster is a (con) artist.

For the record, I do not believe he is an asshole, or unprincipled. I am an agnostic on the subject.

(Think before you post, Keith, think *before* you post...)

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