Sorry to all for not telling the solution, i believed it was so obvious once i found it, so i felt a little ashamed for asking.

As Martin Zielinski wrote sending sighup to all procesesses will work. To my surprise a '/etc/init.d/smb reload' does exactly this, and i believed this script exists on every machine, and everyone knew about it.

I'm am now searching how to get rid of the 20 seconds delay on the windows clients when browsing the printer list for the first time.


Kurt Pfeifle schrieb:
 > Message: 17
 > Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 19:41:51 +0100
 > From: Holger Krull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Subject: Re: [Samba] printer list from cups without restart?
 > I found it.
 > Holger Krull schrieb:
 >> Hi,
 >> while using cups as a print system and sharing all the printers with
 >> samba to windows clients, is it possible to 'view' a newly created
 >> printer in the browse list without restarting smbd ? (samba 2.2.7)
 >> Holger

Hi, Holger,

would you please share your secret with me?

How *do* you update the view onto printers from Windows clients
without restarting Samba?

For me it doesn't work since I noticed it a few months ago.
Before that, I didn't notice, because I re-started smbd very often
anyway (due to my experiments).

I am using a range of CUPS versions (up to current CVS)
and Samba up to 2.2.6. Windows clients are NT, 2K and XP
-- none of the combinations worked.

My "printcap" is updated immediately following the deletion
or creation of a printqueue (I have more than ~30 regularly
-- IIIRC I never tried it with a smaller number of queues...)

Even "rpcclient --> enumprinters" doesn't show an update...

What is your setup / versions / number of printqueues?

I mailed to the Samba list several times about that already
but never received any response (well once I was adviced to
try SIGHUB, but that doesn't work either -- I really need to
stop and start smbd)... Plus I was noticing others asking
similar things (like you).

Now *you* found it....


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