
        path = /home/2CP/darmstrong

        valid users = 2CP\darmstrong,2CP\buexec,2CP\test,itadmin

        write list = 2CP\darmstrong,2CP\buexec,2CP\test,itadmin

        read list =

Try setting up your share like this, I am not sure that you need the quotes 
except of groups with spaces in them.

        comment                         = CHE Faculty Share
        path                            = /home/CHE-shares/faculty
        browseable                      = yes
        read only                       = yes
        inherit permissions             = yes
        write list                      = @"CHEMENG+Domain Admins", 
        valid users                     = @"CHEMENG+Domain Admins", 
        admin users                     = @"CHEMENG+Domain Admins"

Brian Gregorcy
IT Manager
University of Utah
Department of Chemical Engineering

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