On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:48 AM, jw<jwde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to create a 'dropbox' share, using the sticky bit and
> 'inherit owner'.
> By themselves they work, but when a directory is created in this
> share, its permissions are not quite what I need.
> Therefore, I try to use 'force directory mode' or 'inherit permissions'.
> However, whenever I do that, the owner on the newly-created directory
> is no longer correct w/regard to 'inherit owner'.
> Is this correct behavior, or a bug?
> Here are details:
> The directory I'm sharing:
>   drwsrwsr-t  2 nobody  sambaguest   512 Aug 17 22:18 myshare
> My smb.config (well, the relevant part):
> # ... snip
>  guest account = sambaguest
> # ... snip
> [myshare]
>  comment = my share
>  path = /path/to/myshare
>  public = yes
>  read only = no
>  writable = yes
>  browseable = yes
>  printable = no
>  inherit owner = yes
>  #inherit permissions = yes
>  #directory mode = 3770
>  #force directory mode = 3770
> As it is written above, when I create a directory from a windows box
> it looks like:
>   drwxr-xr-x  2 nobody  sambaguest  512 Aug 17 22:19 New Folder
> Correct ownership but I want group write and the sticky bit to be set,
> as in the parent directory.
> So I uncomment 'inherit permissions', create another directory, and get:
>   drwxr-xr-x  2 nobody  sambaguest  512 Aug 17 22:26 New Folder (2)
> No change. Anyone know why inherit permissions would have no effect here?
> I would expect the sticky bit, sgid, and the group-write of the parent
> directory to apply to the new directory.
> So I comment 'inherit permissions' back out, and instead try the pair
> of lines with 'directory mode' and 'force directory mode'.
> Then a newly created dir looks like:
>   drwxrwsr-t  2 sambaguest  sambaguest  512 Aug 17 22:32 New Folder (3)
> ARG! Perfect permissions, but the user is wrong, which lets people
> modify (rename, delete, etc) the directory. Normally, the sticky bit
> would prevent this since the owner would be 'nobody'. But now the
> owner is 'sambaguest', so users can wreak havoc on these newly created
> dirs...
> Can anybody explain to me what I'm missing?
> I have researched this a bit and tried various things, but nothing has
> worked so far...
> This is Samba 3.3.6 on FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE
> Thanks,
> John
> --

force user = nobody
maybe this could help you?
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