hi bradley,

first off - thanks for the help.

Bradley W. Langhorst wrote:

I'm saying that your samba server may be correctly configured...
however in order to switch a computer from workgroup to domain mode you first need to leave the GENWAX.TEST workgroup join the "ICANTTHINKOFANAME" workgroup
then join the GENWAX.TEST domain...

ok - did that.  joined workgroup WORKGROUP.
rebooted (what else).
then attempted to change to domain GENWAX.TEST.
i received the same error message as previously.

it's a windows problem.

that's an understatement.

On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 21:37, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:

Bradley W. Langhorst wrote:

On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 20:24, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:

if i use the workgroup setting of GENWAX.TEST, then i can browse
the server, read and write files, and it seems to be working
fine. if i try to change to a domain setting of GENWAX.TEST, then
it fails with the DNS and SRV record message same as above but
with GENWAX.TEST in place of mydomain.

you can't have the workgroup and the domain with the same name...

ok - but samba is setup as a primary domain controller.
there are NO other servers on the network, so there is
not a workgroup and a domain. i assume that all windows
95/98/me and XP home clients are going to see the domain as
a workgroup, and that XP Pro/NT clients will see it as a
domain and logon accordingly. this is a test server. only
it, and two pc's are currently hooked to the network for
testing purposes. one pc has XP home, and calls GENWAX.TEST
a workgroup, and the other has XP pro. when i tell it to
connect to the GENWAX.TEST workgroup, it works fine, when
i tell it to connect as a domain, it fails with the DNS/SRV

here is a relative snipped from my smb.conf file:

---- snip ----

# samba build string
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/samba_2.2.7 --mandir=/usr/local/man --with-smbmount --with-pam --with-pam_smbpass --with-ssl --with-libsmbclient && make

# server name and group stuff
workgroup = genwax.test
netbios name = filesnew
server string = files server TESTING ONLY
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = yes

# passwords and domain logions
encrypt passwords = yes
unix password sync = true
pam password change = true
passwd chat = *password* %n\n*passwd* %n\n*successful*
domain logons = yes
domain master = yes
logon drive = Z:
logon home = \\%L\%u
logon path = \\%L\profile\%u
logon script=logon.bat
os level = 99
preferred master = yes
security = user path = /home/%s/samba

# logging directives
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/logs/%m
log level = 3

# file and directory masks
create mask = 0660
directory mask = 0770

dont descend = /proc,/dev,/etc
hosts allow = 10.222.222. 127.0
hide unreadable = yes
max smbd processes = 100
min print space = 10000
# do not allow files with CLSID extensions to be open
veto files = /*.{*}/

# case sensitivity stuff
mangle case = no
case sensitive = no
default case = lower
preserve case = yes
short preserve case = yes
---- snip ----

here is a snip from the relevant named file on the same server:
---- snip ----
venus IN A
mars IN A
filesnew IN A
hpvec1 IN A
hpvec2 IN A
---- snip ----

hpvec1 and hpvec2 are XP home and XP pro clients respectively
venus is not running samba currently

any help would be appreciated.

___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.genwax.com/

___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.genwax.com/

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