FYI. I've just committed a "jumbo" ACL patch for v3-6-test (and am currently
looking at backporting this to 3.5.x) which I hope will fix several issues
with storing ACLs in xattrs and getting full Windows ACL compatibility.

That would be *very* nice, especially the "backporting to 3.5.x" part!

Thank you!

(By the way: is there some tool that can manage the ACLs stored in Extended Attributes from the Linux command line? That would give us the best of both worlds: Windows compatibility and ACL setting from the server side. I know it is "possible" to use "getfattr/setfattr" but this is not very "friendly", is it? Also, a module providing those ACLs to Linux so that, for example, SSH or FTP could use them, would be very interesting. Am I asking too much or is this in some way irrelevant?)
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