Hi Michael,
thanks for your reply. I have gone further with experimenting. I have given
up the ntfs FS and sucessfuly set up serving files from ext3 filesystem
setting ntvfs handler = linuxuid. Maybe the ntfs didnt work because the ntfs
acl handler is not yet completed. It is possible but there is no information
about that nowhere. That why I asked on this forum.
For those who experiments as well with ntfs maybe useful info that I forgot
to add into my orig question: I had ntfs-3g driver to handle the ntfs
partition. I don't actully know if it supports ACL but expect it does.
Maybe another usefull note: When I wanted to set share's permissions from
windows box I have all relevant buttons and controls on the win GUI
disabled. Later on I found out my stupid mistake: I forgot to add "readonly
= No" declaration into the shares definition in smb.conf. WHen I have done
it I was able to set up the permissions. It costed me lots of energy so be
carefull with proper setting smb.conf.

Keep on good work samba team,

2010/10/20 Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>

> On 18 October 2010 09:41, Vaclav Klecanda <venca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am experimenting with samba 4. I have existing data on NTFS partition
> and
> > want to share them via samba. But I have problems with permissions (ACL).
> > There is an option: ntvfs handler that tells how mapping of permissions
> > between unix and windows world shall behave. But there is lack of
> > documentation. So I tried posix, simiple but in either case I wasnot able
> to
> > write even set permissions via GUI from windows client. So I would like
> to
> > ask if somebody knows where could I read something about this topic or if
> > there is a guru that knows how this thing work, please could you share
> you
> > knowledge?
> >
> > Thanks a lot, Vasek
> I'm not sure this is expected to work.  I have never tried serving
> files from an NTFS filesystem.  Does the Linux NTFS filesystem driver
> (ntfs3g?) allow reading/setting the ACLs?
> I've copied my reply to samba-technical in case someone there knows the
> answer.
> --
> Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>
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