On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:14:31AM -0700, Juan Pablo wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> Thanks for your reply!
> The tests we did with the Windows 7 terminals was using smb2. 
> When we enabled smb2 in samba we saw in samba logs that it
> was not being  used.  We modified Windows 7 registry as
> described in
> http://www.techemperor.com/2009/09/21/manual-patch-for-windows-vistaserver-2008-smb2-flaw/
> to enable smb2 to start using smb2. Once this was done
> smb2 was  negotiated but there was no speed difference.
> The OS read test is done iterating from 0 to 999 a dd
> if=testFile-xxx  of=/dev/null bs=1k. The samba local
> access test is done with smbclient  from the same machine
> sending the output to /dev/null. Is the speed decrease
> (from 158 MB/s to 71 MB/s) from what I get when I test
> from  the OS to what I get with samba normal? 

With smbclient you should get near wire speed. Do you have
"socket options" set in your smb.conf?


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