On 5/25/2011 10:02 PM, Juan Pablo wrote:

> OS access: 
> Simultaneous read (4 processes):     118 MByte/s average

> Samba local access:
> Simultaneous read (4 processes):     102 MByte/s average

> Samba server from Windows 7:
> Simultaneous read (4 terminals):      70 MByte/s average

The first two results above demonstrate a slow disk subsystem not
suitable for streaming multiple files to multiple concurrent clients at
high data rates.  Your spindles are too slow and/or you don't have
enough to satisfy your test methodology.  Four concurrent dd copies
yields 118 MB/s per process, only ~15% disk headroom above wire speed
GbE.  Your smbd+smbclient local process disk bandwidth overhead appears
to be roughly 13 percent.  I don't know what the optimal percent here
should be but 13% above a dd copy process seems reasonable given the
additional data movement through smbd and smbclient buffers.

It is clear that you don't have enough head seek performance for 4 or
more client streams of 1000 x 8MB files.  This doesn't necessarily
address the 30% drop in over the wire to Win7 client performance, but
we'll get to that later.  To confirm the disk deficiency issue, I
recommend the following test:

Make a 2GB tmpfs ramdisk on the server and run your tests against it,
albeit with 200 instead of 1000 8MB files.  Instructions:

This will tell you if your server block storage subsystem is part of the
problem, and will give you a maximum throughput per Samba process
baseline.  You should get something like 5GB/s+ local smbclient
throughput from a tmpfs ramdisk on that Xeon platform with its raw
25GB/s memory bandwidth.

Run a single Win7 workstation SMB test copy to a freshly booted machine
so most of the memory is free for buffering the inbound files.  This
will mostly eliminate the slow local disk as a bottleneck.

Now run your 4 concurrent Win7 client test and compare to the single
client test results.  This should tell you if you have a bonding problem
or not, either in the server NICs or the switch.

You didn't mention jumbo frames.  Enable jumbo if not already.  It may help.

Something else to consider is that the kernel shipped with CentOS 5.6,
2.6.18, the "Pirate" kernel, is now 4.5 years old, released in Sept of
2006 (http://kerneltrap.org/node/7144).  There have been just a few
performance enhancements between 2.6.18 and 3.0, specifically to the
network stack. ;)  The CentOS packages are older than dirt as well.  If
you're not wed to CentOS you should look at more recent distros.


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