On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 06:46:51PM -0700, Juan Pablo wrote:
> Hi Volker,
> I've removed the SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536 and the 3 other setting, 
> reloaded samba and repeated the tests but still getting the same results for 
> the 
> local tests and also from Windows.
> I am getting the following results in MBytes/s:
> Test type    Local (dd)             Local (smbclient)             Window 7
> Case1        161                          101                                 
>    63
> Case2        122                          119                                 
> 68
> Case1: Read 1000 files 8 MByte each
> Case2: 4 processes each reading 1000 files of 8 MByte each
> Any idea how can I debug where the bottleneck is or why I get so low numbers 
> when reading from Windows?

strace the smbd process with strace -ttT. Network trace.
Look at "netstat -nt" while the test is running. Send/Recv
queues full? Run top, is the CPU fully busy? There's no
silver bullet for performance tuning unfortunately, sorry.


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