On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 22:28, Ronan Waide wrote:
> Hi sambafolks,
> I see a number of topics cropping up here repeatedly over the last few
> weeks:
> * Files > 4GB not supported
>   This is confirmed and solved in 2.2.7a, but not in the current
>   incarnation of smbfs (which is not part of samba, I know, but will
>   get discussed here as a related topic)
> * desktop.ini weirdness in profiles
>   I've seen this mentioned a few times with no sign of a real
>   solution.

I'm not sure what you mean by this - given that what gets uploaded into
a profile is controlled by the windows client, not Samba - Windows
clients add a desktop.ini, and use it for it's own purposes.  Or was
there some other problem you referred to?  If you really don't want that
to be there, I would suggest some VFS module or possibly some of Samba's
'veto' options.

> * problems with Win2KSP3 clients
>   Again, several mentions, no solutions offered

Please include details sufficient to identify the problem you
specifically refer to.

> My question is, is there a canonical place to go where I can find a
> list of /all/ bugs/issues currently under investigation by the samba
> team? I see from the development page that you use IRC to coordinate
> development, but I presume at some point this falls out into "Tridge
> is looking at the Win2KSP3 issue while Jerry is working on
> desktop.ini"

Not particularly.  Most issues get addressed on the samba-technical
list, so reading the archives is often a good idea.  Certainly I don't
know of any particular efforts on the two (rather vauge) bugs you have
mentioned.  Read the CVS history at build.samba.org if you are wanting
to follow development closer.

> My main reason for asking is that I'm in the middle of a rather
> complicated migration to Samba and I'd prefer to know up front what's
> going to bite me, rather than having to fend off angry users
> afterwards.

If you detail your expected setup to the list, you might find people who
can give you advise as to the more 'generic' or 'problem space' gotchas
- these are more likely to cause you trouble than specific issues in the
latest Samba.  (Simply because the main problems Samba has are problems
we can't deal with - like the fact we run on Unix, not NT :-).

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org     http://build.samba.org     http://hawkerc.net

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