On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Dragan Krnic wrote:

> I support your conclusion that there should be more
> systematic ways of googleing currently known samba-
> related problems and solutions. This maillist should
> also be just a tad more moderated to screen out repeats
> of the same message, html-excesses, transmission
> artifacts (e.g. "=20" instead of " " and "=3D" instead
> of "="), spam mail etc. and generally beautify the
> postings for text-only viewers in my opinion.

The best place for searching the Samba mailinlist archives is MARC
(marc.theaimsgroup.com). They store a lot of mailinglists (including all
the samba onces) in a large MySQL database.
They also have a fulltext searchfuntion to search in each mailinglist.

It worked great for me.

Kind regards,
Tim Verhoeven

Tim Verhoeven
                                Linux & Open Source Specialist
GSM : 0496 / 693 453                          + e-business solutions
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           + consulting
URL : www.sin.khk.be/~dj/                     + Server consolidation

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