Setting the Permissions in windows is easy, browse to your server like so..start> run \\server

right click share > properties,> security tab -- if your unfamiliar with windows permissions I would read up on those..

being doable in linux,, hmm I'm sure it is but as I said I would create a share change windows permissions and look at them through linux, do that and you'll get the idea of what I'm talking about...

Someone can correct me here if I step out of bounds but I don't think the samba team has gotten this far yet to make the samba-tool ntacl tree practical to use..

as far as how the perms are shared is relative to file-system support, that's what the user_xattr support on the mount point is for.. so it adds the support for the Linux mount to store the NTACLS ,

Thanks for taking the time to explain this. Just thinking out loud, but
since windows will be storing stuff on an ext4 filesystem, whatever the
ntacl does must be doable in Linux too no? Or am I missing the point
here? Anyway, the next stage is to find where to set the ntacl from the
windows side. Is it a case of searching or is it buried deep inside the
registry somewhere?

BTW, we have setup the S4 users with posix attrs and files are stored
correctly on both Linux and windows. We map via nss-pam-ldapd on Linux.
Not set any ntacls there, so far that is since we've only just started
to experiment with rw shares..

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