On 16/02/12 19:39, Aaron E. wrote:
Setting the Permissions in windows is easy, browse to your server like
so..start> run \\server

right click share > properties,> security tab -- if your unfamiliar with
windows permissions I would read up on those..

being doable in linux,, hmm I'm sure it is but as I said I would create
a share change windows permissions and look at them through linux, do
that and you'll get the idea of what I'm talking about...

Someone can correct me here if I step out of bounds but I don't think
the samba team has gotten this far yet to make the samba-tool ntacl tree
practical to use..

as far as how the perms are shared is relative to file-system support,
that's what the user_xattr support on the mount point is for.. so it
adds the support for the Linux mount to store the NTACLS ,

Hi again
I dug a little deeper by setting the acl on windows and then successfully transferring to another:

 samba-tool ntacl get --as-sddl sd

samba-tool ntacl set "O:S-1-5-21-443838659-2890314986-1722269781-500G:S-1-5-21-443838659-2890314986-1722269781-1118D:(A;;0x001f01ff;;;SY)(A;OICI;0x001301bf;;;S-1-5-21-443838659-2890314986-1722269781-1118)(A;OICI;0x001f01ff;;;S-1-5-21-443838659-2890314986-1722269781-500)" sd2
Unknown parameter encountered: "secrets database"

Don't know about the error but it works:-)

Also, it's now possible to create  a share the old way:
        path = /home/CACTUS/hotel
        read only = No
        create mask = 0770
the latter method!
That does the same thing. I tend to favour

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