
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012, Kirk S. wrote:

Morning list,

<--snip -->

We have not tried the version of Samba currenlty shipping with Solaris - we've found a lot of problems with it in the past integrating with AD. As it currently stands, single sign-on works but there is a CNAME that the clients are pointing to which doesn't seem optimal but does work. I take it you're using the version shipped with Solaris - update 10 to 3.5.10 I guess?


In a further update to this problem, I have migrated the CNAME to another server that we have standing in for the 'faulty' instance. This server was previously working fairly well (although SMF had restarted samba at least once due to the parent smbd process crashing but no core file was produced) and was not generating large numbers of error message regarding locking mutex.tdb.

Now I have migrated the CNAME, we have huge numbers of errors on the temporary server.

A minor change of deleting the CNAME and replacing it with an A record that points at the same IP as the server uses as it's primary interface (wthout removing the existing A record for hostname or modifying the PTR record) seems to have resolved the huge numbers of errors locking mutex.tdb and the associated performance problems we were experiencing.

It doesn't sound like anyone else is experiencing this so I assume the only thing to do is to file a bug report? I've not tried 3.6.5 yet but I see it has been packaged by OpenCSW a few days ago so I may be able to try it on a test machine.


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