jean-marc pouchoulon said the following on 14/10/03 12:10:

>>they sould be created
>>on the fly as they were with 3.0.0beta1.
>    As I can see, with 3.0 stable this is not done.
> pdbedit -a -m testonsddd$ -D99
> ...
> ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn=
> uid=testonsddd$,ou=pc,o=g,c=fr with: Object c
> lass violation
>    But a AddMachine script make it for me without any problem.

So this is a bug with 3.0 stable then? Not requiring an account prior to joining the domain when using LDAP backend is a documented feature AFAICR... can't point to the exact documentation right now though... :-)

I don't see anything in bugzilla... I'll see about submitting later when I've more time.

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