
Suggest you replace the ethernet card and/or the network cable.
Sounds like a hardware issue.

- John T.

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Eric Maisonobe wrote:

> Hello !
> I've installed serveral servers under Linux in my association with samba on
> it, without any problem.
> But, for the latest application we need to use, samba has to share about 800
> borland data files.
> All goes right, but the systeme (P3-800Mhz-256Mo RAM for 8 users) is very,
> VERY slow (about 40 second to open the application).
> I've take a look at the system use, even when a client open a session, and :
> -> the processor is use about ... 3% (97%free) !!!
> -> Mem : 23Mo used...233Mo free !!!
> -> average load : about 0,01 !!!
> I've put    log level = 0, correct wins server adress, socket options =
> and my share is :
> [c]
>    comment = Disk C
>    path = /home/c
>    browseable = yes
>    admin users = guest nobody # I know, it's bad ;-)) but requiered by the
> appli
>    writable = yes
>    public = yes
>    create mode = 777
> Any help would be welcome !

John H Terpstra
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