
We had similar, very baffleing symptoms with MYOB Premier opening and
accessing it's datafiles.

operations on the file would take between 40 and 45 seconds.

It turned out that it was a printer monitor program running on the
clients causing the problems. Looking at the logs, we saw them coming
through with pauses of about 1 second between groups.

Stopping the monitor software resulted in the networks access at normal
(quick) speed. Restarting the program caused the speed to slow down
again. The printer was a cannon lbp810 and the relevant task was
something like CAPON (not sure on spelling). The monitor software
displayed a printing now dialog on the client when they printed. 

We only discovered this by starting with a clean install of windows and
trying the app at every step of the installation of other software
process. (had to do this many times)

Moral of the story, check everything (other software included)!

Hope it is not something like this (it will be painful to find)

Joe Healy

On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 10:59:35AM +0200, Eric Maisonobe wrote:
> Hello !
> I've installed serveral servers under Linux in my association with samba on
> it, without any problem.
> But, for the latest application we need to use, samba has to share about 800
> borland data files.
> All goes right, but the systeme (P3-800Mhz-256Mo RAM for 8 users) is very,
> VERY slow (about 40 second to open the application).
> I've take a look at the system use, even when a client open a session, and :
> -> the processor is use about ... 3% (97%free) !!!
> -> Mem : 23Mo used...233Mo free !!!
> -> average load : about 0,01 !!!
> I've put    log level = 0, correct wins server adress, socket options =
> and my share is :
> [c]
>    comment = Disk C
>    path = /home/c
>    browseable = yes
>    admin users = guest nobody # I know, it's bad ;-)) but requiered by the
> appli
>    writable = yes
>    public = yes
>    create mode = 777
> Any help would be welcome !
> -- 
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