I have searched for some FAQ/HOWTO regarding Citrix/Metaframe to no
avail.  (Like this one
http://samba.org/~jht/HOWTO/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf )

What I would like to see in such a FAQ/HOWTO:

- Compilation issues regarding Citrix/metaframe 
- - ie the need to increase the MAX_CONNECTION setting before
- - ie how to compile samba to a 64 bit application to get more
available file descriptors (problem for solaris)
- the need to tweak the /etc/system settings (ie "set rlim_fd_max =
- oplocks settings in smb.conf
- the single smbd process issue and workaround(s) (wins and
DNS-proxy/netbios names?)
- the home-share issue and problem 

All these issues, and probably more, I feel are related to
Citrix/metaframe vs. Samba.  If I am wrong and somewhere there is a FAQ
regarding this then all the better.  Just need to find it. ;-)  If not
then it is most neeeded.

And Samba4?  What is this? :-) Due 2005?  

Kind regards
Per Kjetil Grotnes
Some governmental department in Norway

> Andrew Bartlett
> Sendt: 4. november 2003 02:20
> On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 11:55:25AM +1100, DAVIES Rob wrote: > G'day, >
> > We are having problems when connecting to our Solaris 8 server Zeus 
> > from our Windows 2000 Terminal Servers.
> I think you might be hitting two of the nastiest bugs with 
> that combination.
> Firstly, there are issues with Solaris 8, and TDB locks, for 
> which there is a solaris kernel patch (it's an fcntl issue).  
> But more importantly, there is an issue caused by the way 
> Windows Terminal Server clients connect - they all use the 
> same smbd.  This causes all their operations to be 
> serialised, even worse if something blocks.
> The best solution is to call your system by as many names as 
> possible. For example, call it by one name per user, 
> particularly for roaming profiles.  (So make a user's profile 
> path/homedir \\zeus-username\username or the like).  Use DNS 
> (with a samba wins server set to 'dns proxy') or fixed 
> entires in your wins.dat, or an lmhosts file, to force the 
> multiple names.  Samba doesn't mind what it gets called.

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