From: John H Terpstra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > I have searched for some FAQ/HOWTO regarding Citrix/Metaframe to no 
> > avail.  (Like this one 
> > )
> > What I would like to see in such a FAQ/HOWTO:
> Are you willing to help write this? You too can make a 
> difference you know!

Hehe. Hi John. I knew you would pop in here sooner or later.  I am sure
you have a default text you paste in for us silly enough to stick our
nose out.  ;-)  Jokes aside.  Yes, I could attempt to help with this as
I told Andrew earlier.

> > All these issues, and probably more, I feel are related to 
> > Citrix/metaframe vs. Samba.  If I am wrong and somewhere there is a 
> > FAQ regarding this then all the better.  Just need to find 
> Information like this gets documented when someone with your 
> kind of passion writes some basic guidelines and contributes 
> it to the HOWTO. Please do not leave this to others, while 
> the needs are fresh in your mind please write a few 
> paragraphs on each and send them to me for inclusion.

We do not have any _current_ need of a HOWTO.  What I registred was a
user question and an answer from one of the samba-team that I had seen
before (with some additional info about dns-proxy that I had not seen
before and still wonder about).  

Thus I see that there is a need for such a Citrix-HOWTO, and I would
have offered my services earlier if I felt confident that i could
contribute to this document.  As I said earlier - we have a running
environment and its been awhile since i tweaked it.  I am probably not
the best to deliver such info, but I might do an attempt.

Per Kjetil Grotnes

(PS: i think you do great work getting people to help the community with
documenting samba)

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