Hi, the acl inherition works fine, I just didn't add entries as "default" acl. Still cannot see any of my users or groups on the windows security tab add user listing. Can anyone tell if this is by design or not and how should I write group names to the text field or does groupadd work at all?



Yes I did mount the partition. ACL works fine with getfacl / setfacl and other fileutils. It works with Samba too as it reads and writes acl-entries. The problems are, that while adding permissions with windows, I can't get a listing of my users and groups AND that any combination of groups (MYDOM\domuser, MYDOM\Domain Users) is rejected and therefore I am unable to add group permission. With Windows that is. With linux it is possible to add group acls, BUT it seems that the acl inherition doesn't work for groups, only users. bug?

# net groupmap list
Domain Users (S-1-5-21-827999984-3680983439-2218884935-513) -> domuser
Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-827999984-3680983439-2218884935-512) -> domadmin
Domain Computers (S-1-5-21-827999984-3680983439-2218884935-515) -> domcompu


Hi, did you mount your partition which homes your samba share with acl ?
Did you mapped all your groups ?
Read the related chapter in the how to not all permission tabs are able to
----- Original Message ----- From: "Pirkka Luukkonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 1:50 PM
Subject: [Samba] ACL Security-tab missing users and groups


I'm using Samba 3.0 pdc with Debian Woody, LDAP and ACL-support. ACL works
great, but if I try to ADD an acl-permission via windows security-tab
is none to choose from. It shows that my domain is selected and there are
some basic users (Everyone, Authenticated users, CREATOR-OWNER etc.) that
can be chosen, but no users or groups of mine.

Is this by design or am I missing something here?

I can however type the name of the user I want to add to the textfield and
it works fine, only group names don't work.

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