Whoops!!! My bad.  This actually *does* work!
recycle:repository = ../../../../../home/%U/Desktop/Trash
#Dump it in the users Unix trash dir for centralized trash.

recycle:repository = ./Desktop/Trash

I note that with a redirected "My Documents" that Windows creates it's own recycler which I assume it will also dump.

Also, I find that files and folders created on the desktop do not go to the remote trash directory. This make sense as it is probably a cacheing issue. On my box, if a user leaves a bunch of crap on thier desktop I have a script that moves it to the trash bin just after logout anyway.

Got it partially working. I note that this works"
recycle:repository = %U/Trash
and this does not:
recycle:repository = /../../../home/%U/Trash
You did say it was relative... hmmm but perhaps I should be thinking in

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