Connect to the server and enter the "Printers and Faxes" folder.
Right click, choose Server Properties.
Go into the Drivers tab and add the driver, just like as if it was a
Windows server.

hint: look at the subject (installing printer in a script).
it has to be done *fully* automatically, there is no place for going there and clicking here.

You need to do this to install the server copy of the printer driver. When you run your rundll command with the /in flag, it looks for the driver as it has been installed using (more or less) the procedure above. This is how it's done, not with what you said about 'putting the driver in /blah/X32HP200C'. When you do the install command from a login script there is no 'going there and clicking here', just a status box that disappears all by itself.

No, it doesn't disappear by itself, even if I'm logged into a domain.
I agree, if the driver was installed *before* - now Windows knows that it has it.
But if it's installed for the *first* time, I have this window prompt.

It really sounds like you're not understanding what we're telling you. You need to store the printer driver on the samba server so that when you issue the rundll command, with the /in switch, your client knows what you're talking about. To do this, go to a windows machine that is already on your network, try your personal station, seems to work well for me. Follow through the part that I sent the address to. Really. When you are done, you should be able to run (from your server)
rpcclient servername
and then once logged in do an enumdrivers and see them listed. You should also be able to do an enumprinters and see more interesting information. If these commands don't work, stop and re-examine your setup. Any number of things could be wrong so perhaps tell us what you get from those commands.

When you are done, you should be able to walk over to any machine, issue your rundll command from the command line and all that will happen is that a box will come up saying that it is installing the printer <name> from <host> (or possibly the ip depending on your version of samba) and it should just go away. Now if you're using 3.0.7 (I believe) there is a known bug in these routines that will cause some issue with your naming. You'll have to play around with your rundll command and the printer names to get it right. If you get here, post your enumprinters and enumdrivers output from above and maybe a valid statement can be made for you.

Paul Gienger                    Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect               Fax:    701-281-1322
URL:       mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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