Sounds like you have crud left over in your wins file. Stop the samba services, wack /var/opt/samba/wins.dat and restart samba. If the service has multiple entries in wins.dat for multiple IP's I've noticed conflicting info between the log for nmbd starting up (knows itself and its correct IP) but later clients are unable to find the browse master as it can't find itself (in the wins.dat that is) as the startup seems to somehow pick the newer IP whereas the search starts with the older ones and runs out of steam before it tries all IP's.

Also, there is a copy file bug in 3.0.8, I skipped it and applied the stable 3.0.9 deb's to our servers which are running the testing (Sarge) distro. I'd suggest the same for you. I wish unstable / testing had gone from 3.0.7 directly to 3.0.9 following the Samba team's lead that 3.0.8 was to be short lived... ah wel...

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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