Hi Everyone,

Does anybody use roaming profiles in domain level?

I'm looking for helps for setting up Samba as a NT4 domain member to
support roaming profiles for sharing during domain logon of Windows
clients. I ran into the problems. log files couldn't show specified
messages, except for BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. 

If a profile share directory is mounted on a Windows NT DC or a Windows
domain member, all Windows clients can successfully use roaming profiles
in that share during domain logon. If the profile share is mounted on a
Samba server that is a NT4 domain member, and successfully joined to the
domain, then all Windows client can save profiles to the share. But only
Windows NT clients can load roaming profiles from Samba. WinXP(SP1/SP2
and Win2K(SP4) couldn't download roaming profiles from Samba profiles

I captured network traffics of domain logon for profiles stored on both
Windows and Samba domain members. By comparing behaviors, it looks Samba
couldn't handle the case well. I've tried both Samba2.2.12 and
samba3.0.7. All have the same problem. So 
I'm looking for others' experiences, and see if Samba has capability to
provide roaming profiles in domain level.

I have all log files or ethereal log files. If needed, I can send to you
as reference. Any hints or helps, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance.
-Ying Li

    server string = Samba Serves as Roaming profiles
    security = DOMAIN
    workgroup = NT4_DOMAIN_NAME
    password server = *
    encrypt passwords = yes
    log level = 10
    log file = /var/opt/samba/log.%m
# followings for Samba3.0 only
    idmap uid = 10000-20000
    idmap gid = 10000-20000
    winbind use default domain = yes
    winbind enum users = yes
    winbind enum groups = yes
    winbind separator = ;
    path = /profiles
    browseable = no
    guest ok = yes

The directory /profiles is owned by root with 777 permission, and
includes all directories for a profile saved by Windows. On Windows DC,
setup profile path to \\sambaserver\profiles\username for all domain
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